A Break with Tradition

Many consider beef and lamb sole Cabernet Sauvignon territory. Chefs and home cooks alike pile on exotic mushrooms, red wine sauces and bone marrow to make dishes that are exceptionally rich; a nod to excess. I admit I’ve been guilty of these excesses in the past. However, the ability to be flexible and accept change is becoming more important than ever. Why not embrace change in the kitchen when putting together a dish to serve with Cabernet Sauvignon? 

Now is a good a time as any to break with tradition and look to far away lands for inspiration. I found the siren call of Sichuan peppercorns irresistible. Most would say I’m nuts simply because Sichuan peppercorns are known for their mouth-numbing effect – a character considered blasphemous when drinking wine. I moved forward without fear. I knew those unusual looking peppercorns had enough haunting flavor to do RSV’s Stags Leap Estate Cabernet proud. I was searching for the Chinese equivalent of the French Je ne sais quoi – and I found it.

The flavor of this steak is glorious. I can’t describe it but its flavors sing with the Cabernet. Try it, you’ll see. It might be dumb luck but these days I’ll take luck as it comes

Until the Next Wine….

EAT: Sichuan Pepper Steak