Open Sesame
I was blown away the first time I tasted sesame noodles with our Three Amigos Pinot Noir. The light, nutty flavor of the sesame married perfectly with the red berry fruit and hint of earth wafting from the swirling wine in my glass. It was totally unexpected. The zippy, bright acidity of the wine gently cut through the richness of the sesame seed, well-endowed with oil. It’s exciting to taste flavors in wine and food that are harmonious and balanced. It’s a prime example of a wine and food “happy accident” when a wine drinker wins the lotto at the dining table and stumbles upon a delicious pairing.
I’m including my favorite recipe for sesame noodles below. These noodles taste great freshly made or marinated overnight. My recipe uses high quality white sesame paste from Japan. You can substitute Tahini if you can’t find Japanese sesame paste but the taste won’t be as delicate. The seeds are more deeply roasted for Tahini and the texture is slightly more coarse than white sesame paste.
A bowl of noodles is easy to toss together and is a comforting dish made to savor with a glass of well-crafted Pinot Noir.
Until the Next Wine….
EAT: Sesame Noodles with Quick Pickled Mushrooms